Celebrating Veterans Day With Your Loved Ones

Celebrating Veterans Day With Your Loved Ones

“The willingness of America’s veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.” – Jeff Miller Each year, November 11 is set aside to honor all those who have fought to keep our country safe, and with more than 23 million veterans currently...
Healthy Halloween-Inspired Snacks

Healthy Halloween-Inspired Snacks

You can always tell when Halloween rolls around because pumpkins seem to pop up on every doorstep, spooky decorations adorn neighbors’ windows and heaping bags of candy pile up at local stores. It can be tempting to indulge in sweets around this time of year, but you...
Playdates for Seniors and Toddlers Helps The Whole Community

Playdates for Seniors and Toddlers Helps The Whole Community

Shrieks of delight and group renditions of “Wheels on the Bus” are not typical sounds that you hear when caring for the elderly in a senior living community. They are sounds, however, that have become commonplace at the Sunrise Senior Living in Beverly Hills which has...
Fun Activities for Seniors to Socialize

Fun Activities for Seniors to Socialize

Humans are, by nature, social beings. The fact that humans depend on one another to thrive has helped us build communities and create meaningful relationships with friends and family. There are benefits to remaining social throughout the entire course of a person’s...
Healthy & Patriotic Recipes Perfect for Independence Day

Healthy & Patriotic Recipes Perfect for Independence Day

It may be hard to believe, but as we’re already a few weeks into summer, the 4th of July holiday is right around the corner! Much like many of the other holidays we love celebrating, food is the center of most Independence Day family gatherings (besides the fireworks...
Summer Travel For Seniors

Summer Travel For Seniors

Summer is a great time for enjoying the outdoors and exploring new places. Traveling is a great way to learn new things, expand your horizons and experience people and cultures different than your own. The best part about traveling? It’s not restricted to specific age...