5 Mother’s Day Gifts to Help Keep Mom Safe

5 Mother’s Day Gifts to Help Keep Mom Safe

With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, you may be in need of gift ideas for mom (or grandmom). While there’s no gift that can truly express your love and appreciation for mom, we’ve rounded up a list of easy-to-use technologies that will help keep her safe in and...
Senior-Friendly Volunteer Opportunities

Senior-Friendly Volunteer Opportunities

The many health benefits of volunteering your time to a worthy cause later in life have been well established. From forging new social connections to combat loneliness and isolation to help you stay physically and cognitively sharp, volunteer opportunities for seniors...
The Proven Health Benefits of Volunteering

The Proven Health Benefits of Volunteering

When retirement rolls around there are a lot of options for what comes next. Some people travel, others spend more time with grandchildren, some play golf, and others choose to volunteer their time. Volunteer work for older adults provides a wonderful opportunity to...
Social Connections Keep Seniors Healthy

Social Connections Keep Seniors Healthy

The connection between seniors and loneliness has been talked about for years, but recent studies on the subject have found that more than 40 percent of seniors experience loneliness on a regular basis and that loneliness and isolation are slowly becoming a public...
How to Approach Valentine’s Day When You’ve Lost A Partner

How to Approach Valentine’s Day When You’ve Lost A Partner

There’s no proper way to prepare for the loss of a loved one. Whether you knew they were sick, or it was a shocking accident; whether you have children to grieve with, or not; whether you were together for 5 years, or 50—the pain of loss can be devastating. There are...
A New Tradition: Valentine’s Day For Grandparents

A New Tradition: Valentine’s Day For Grandparents

Valentine’s Day is a day that is typically marketed to couples, which can be a challenge for those who are single, divorced, or widowed. You could choose to spend the day alone, but loneliness in the elderly has been linked to numerous health threats, including early...