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Elite 911 Lights and Functions


GREEN Light (above Signal icon)

  • Solid Green- Elite 911 is registered to the network and is able to make calls.
  • Blinking Green- Elite 911 is attempting to register to the network.


RED Light (above Battery icon  )

Out of the charging cradle

  • Solid Red- low battery and Elite 911 must be charged.

In the charging cradle

  • Blinking Red- Elite 911 is charging. The Elite 911 will also announce “Your device is now charging” when placed correctly on the Cradle.
  • No light- Elite 911 is properly charged.

Test Button

  • The test button is the same item as the message button.
  • The microphone is at the bottom of the device. Be sure that nothing is covering the microphone when speaking with the call center operator.

Emergency Call Button


  • Blinks around Emergency Call Button while making a call.
  • Turns solid red when the call is connected.
  • Turns off at the end of a call.

Charging Cradle LED Light: 

  • Solid green- The charging cradle is plugged in and is receiving power.
  • No Light- The charging cradle has no power.