Silver Singles: Post-Retirement Dating

  • December 6, 2013
Silver Singles: Post-Retirement Dating

The dating scene is definitely not just for the young. Love and connection is something that all human beings seek, and there is no expiration date on this driving desire.

The introduction of dating websites like and eHarmony has reinvented dating in America - and in many countries around the world. Though certainly not the only way to meet people, it is quickly becoming a core addition to the dating arsenal.

Seniors and Online Dating

Recent reports have found that older Americans are the fastest growing group of online daters. Through websites dedicated only to seniors, or through general matchmaking sites, seniors are looking to the Internet to help them meet people with similar interests and goals.

Is online dating something that will work for you? The follow list of pros and cons can help you make an informed decision about this popular and increasingly prevalent way to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right.


  • You are able to “meet” a far larger variety of people than you would normally come in contact with in your daily life. This extended network of people can help you find someone who is highly compatible with you.
  • There is no need to hang out in bars, lounges, etc., hoping that one special person who is perfect for you just happens to be there that day. Your dating site will send people who perfectly match your profile, straight to your inbox.
  • Online daters, especially senior-aged online daters, are not interested in wasting time or stringing people along. Daters identify if they are looking for a serious relationship, and are willing to cut their losses early on if things aren’t working out.
  • If your profile is complete and accurate, it is highly likely the people you are paired with will already share many of your interests, belief system, and core life principals.
  • Dating sites are like having a professional matchmaker working for you around the clock - always sifting through profiles and seeking potential matches.


  • For those uncomfortable with technology, the process of online dating can seem impersonal, or even intimidating.
  • If you are uncomfortable with blind dates, you may be uneasy with online dating. Make sure you communicate frequently, via e-mail or phone calls, with your future date to help increase your level of comfort with him or her.
  • Exercise caution when dating online! Because this individual does not move in your normal circles, there is no one to vouch for this person and who they are. Move slowly and really get to know your date before you invite him or her to your home, or allow him or her to drive you anywhere. It is best to always have your first few dates in public areas, like a coffee shop.

Aging does not mean that you can’t find love! As the Baby Boomers age, there is a spike in senior citizen dating. Numerous services are available to help seniors find their match. Don’t waste valuable time – get out there and find the love that you deserve.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

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