New Year’s Resolutions for Baby Boomers

  • December 30, 2015
New Year’s Resolutions for Baby Boomers

It may be hard to believe, but another year has come and gone! As the year draws to a close, many are scrambling to come up with New Year’s Resolutions that are not only challenging, but also realistic – which is why we’re here to help!

Whether they focus on a healthier lifestyle or practical goals to achieve, below are six of the best New Year’s Resolutions for baby boomers:

  1. Create a regular exercise schedule. We know, we know – this is the most typical New Year’s Resolution out there, but being physically active is essential, especially for baby boomers. The best part about this resolution is that you have numerous exercises to choose from: walking, swimming, yoga, tai chi, jogging, pilates, and so many more. If you’re indecisive about which exercise to pick, do a variety of them – it’ll actually benefit you more!
  2. Fuel up on nutritious foods. Getting enough exercise and the proper nutrients are two of the best things you can do to benefit your health. A diet filled with a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish and vitamins is best. You may be facing mealtime challenges, but don’t let them keep you from consuming the necessary nutrients.
  3. Be social – both in person and online. The importance of socialization for baby boomers is often overlooked, but having regular social interactions with family members or friends go a long way in promoting your overall health. Have a weekly lunch or game night with friends, and look for opportunities to be social in the community. Most community centers offer a variety of activities, and even the gym is a great place to make new friends – plus, you’ll be fulfilling the first resolution on our list! Another challenge comes with this resolution: introduce yourself to social media. Despite assumptions, more and more baby boomers are increasingly using the internet, and social media can help you reconnect with those you haven’t seen in years and even make new friends. While online socialization doesn’t quite stand up to face-to-face interactions, it’s still a great way to be social.
  4. Find a new hobby. Whether it’s painting, reading, completing crossword puzzles, or taking a college class, it’s don’t let your age keep you from trying new things. Brain-stimulating activities like these are great ways to be social, and research has shown that they may even delay dementia. Besides, hobbies like these are better (and healthier) for you than sitting in front of a TV all day.
  5. Get engaged in your finances. In order to properly plan for retirement, it’s important that you are actively engaged in your finances. It’s not enough to follow a budget – review your accounts quarterly, schedule appointments with your financial adviser, create a financial plan and stick to it!
  6. Be grateful each and every day. This is perhaps the easiest resolution on our list, but it could go a long way in benefiting your health. Recent studies have shown that being grateful boosts heart health, so whether it’s by practicing mindfulness, journaling or volunteering, remember to be grateful every day!

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Remember that these New Year’s Resolutions for baby boomers are only suggestions. Take the time to reflect on a goal you can realistically achieve and really challenge yourself this coming year – after all, the new year is yours to make of it what you will!

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy new year from all of us here at Medical Guardian!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

KEYWORDS: new year's resolutions for baby boomers

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