Have Researchers Found A New Way to Live Longer?

  • February 3, 2015
Have Researchers Found A New Way to Live Longer?

You might have heard that taking a low-dose of aspirin daily can help prevent a heart attack because it thins the blood. But a new study from researchers at Texas A&M University, College Station, found that ibuprofen might actually help to keep you living longer. Unlike aspirin, ibuprofen can help to reduce inflammation, which often accompanies many age-related diseases and complications.

The authors of the study, which was published in Public Library Of Science (PLOS): Genetics, wrote that “Aging is the greatest risk factor for many diseases, which together account for the majority of global deaths and healthcare costs. Here we show that the common drug ibuprofen increases the lifespan of yeast, worms and flies, indicative of conserved longevity effects...We show that the critical function of ibuprofen in longevity is to inhibit the uptake of aromatic amino acids, by destabilizing the high-affinity tryptophan permease.”

In layman’s terms, this means that the research showed that in organisms such as yeast, nematode worms and fruit flies, had a positive response to receiving doses of ibuprofen that were comparable to what humans would take. In fact, ibuprofen was able to increase the lifespan of the yeast by 17 percent. In humans, that equates to roughly 12 additional years of healthy living.

Further studies need to be done as to WHY ibuprofen has this type of effect on the lifespan of living organisms, but it’s very positive for those who suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease, which are both age-related illnesses.

Until further studies are performed on the benefits of ibuprofen, it might not be so savvy to start a daily regimen without consulting your physician first. Too much ibuprofen can actually have grave side effects, such as bleeding of the stomach. So what can you do in the meantime to try and extend your lifespan?


Studies show that regular exercise--even if it’s just walking for 20 minutes--can greatly increase your overall health. It’s great for your heart, your lungs, and your circulation. According to the Mayo Clinic, “regular physical activity can help you prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer, arthritis and falls.”

Exercise can also provide you with greater quality sleep, boost your mood, and keep you feeling more energetic throughout the day. All of these are major components to feeling young and healthy!

Eat Right

Diet is a very important part of maintaining a long and healthy life. In line with the old saying “you are what you eat,” being aware of what you are putting into your body can have a big overall impact on how you look and feel.

“Superfoods” are nutrient-dense foods that can help you slow the aging process and ward off chronic disease. The top 7 superfoods, according to Eating Well, are:

  • Olive Oil

  • Yogurt

  • Fish

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Nuts

  • Red wine

  • Blueberries

Eating healthfully can also be delicious!

Stay Centered

Adding meditation, tai chi, or yoga to your weekly or daily routine can have an incredible effect on your mood and blood pressure. All 3 of these activities can help you stay centered and calm, and give you the tools to carry that into your life for stressful situations. Experiencing lower levels of stress and anxiety can keep you feeling younger and healthier, longer.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

KEYWORDS: ibuprofen benefits

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