Summer Health and Fitness Tips for Seniors

  • July 25, 2022
Summer Health and Fitness Tips for Seniors
Summer Health & Fitness Tips for SeniorsAs an active, aging adult, maintaining your health and fitness routine is essential even during the summer when it may be hotter and more uncomfortable than at other times of the year. While cold winter months may present challenges with snow and ice, summer has its challenges — including health risks of dehydration, heat exhaustion, and sunstroke.

The following are fitness tips for those of you who want to maintain your activity but stay safe and healthy in the warmer summer months.

Establish a morning routine

Your morning will often set the tone for the rest of the day. Get a happy, healthy start to your day with a glass of water and lemon, which can help stimulate digestion and make you feel lighter. Eat a healthy breakfast and then do a series of gentle stretches to help warm up and loosen your muscles. A solid morning routine will set you up for success and give you the energy you need for a full day.

Get an early start

In most parts of the U.S., the hottest hours of the day are between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Try to fit all your activities and exercise earlier in the day before the temps get unbearable outside. If you’re away from home on a hiking trail or running errands, bring extra water just in case you fall behind schedule or get stuck somewhere when the temperatures are rising and always wear your on-the-go medical alert.

Stroll through the woods

Summer is the best time to stroll or hike through the woods, as they can provide heavily shaded areas that help you stay cool and avoid excessive direct sunlight. Look for trails in your area that wind through hills or mountains with lots of trees, and take a friend with you for safety.

If you love hiking and outdoor adventures, consider wearing a personal medical alert device with GPS that connects you with emergency help at the push of a button. This will allow you to relax more and enjoy your outing without feeling stressed or worried about lacking access to emergency care.

Go for a swim

Swimming is a favorite summer activity for people of all ages. Swimming is particularly great for aging adults because it improves cardiovascular health and puts less strain on your muscles, joints, and ligaments. Contact your local gym or community center and consider joining swim and water aerobics classes geared toward seniors. YMCAs often have senior-focused classes and you can look for one near you.

Do short bursts of exercise

If you have a longer workout routine, consider breaking it up into several shorter ones to reduce exposure to the sun and high temperatures. For example, break your 30-minute walk into three 10-minute power walks. Short bursts of exercise can be just as effective at burning calories and increasing your endurance as longer workouts.

Get into gardening

Gardening is a fun, relaxing activity for aging adults who want to spend time outdoors while improving their strength, range of motion, and mobility. Planting and pulling weeds, along with other normal gardening activities, can be a great workout and keeps you close to home so you can stay comfortable and take inside breaks as needed.

Start small and begin by planting herbs, flowers, or vegetables that are relatively easy to grow, like basil, sunflowers, and peppers. Be sure to always drink plenty of water and wear clothing and a hat to keep the direct sun exposure to a minimum.

Join a dance group

Line dancing, ballroom dancing, and tap dancing are some of the many fun dance classes or activities for anyone who likes to stay active, socialize, and meet others equally as invested in their health. Many community centers host dances regularly and may offer classes that teach you dances. Don’t forget about belly dancing or the tango. Contact dance studios in your local area or check with your community center for upcoming events.

See your healthcare provider

At the start of the hot season, make an appointment with your healthcare provider to check your physical health and discuss your plans for an active summer. Your healthcare provider can recommend exercises and activities that are ideal for you based on your physical health. Be sure to discuss the side effects of any of your medications that could increase your risk for fatigue or dehydration in the heat.

Prioritize sleep

Spending time in the heat can zap your energy and make you feel tired and sleepy. Make sure you get plenty of sleep when you’re staying active to restore your energy and reduce your risk for illness. Your body heals and repairs itself while you sleep, which is why sleep is essential for staying fit, energetic, and healthy during the long hot days of summer.

If you’re looking for a medical alert that will stay with you during the busy summer month, we can help. We offer three different personal medical alert devices with GPS. You can stay active and maintain access to emergency care.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

KEYWORDS: medical alert with GPS, on-the-go medical alert, Medical Guardian,

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