How To Tell If Your Parent Needs A Medical Alert System

  • May 16, 2017
How To Tell If Your Parent Needs A Medical Alert System

There is an old expression about the fact that you cannot plan for everything in life: “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” This is true at all stages of life: you can plan for being hired for a great job out of college, but there is no guarantee; you can plan on the outcome of your child’s life once you become a parent, but you will quickly find that you have no control; you can make arrangements for your post-retirement life, but unexpected obstacles can get in the way.

In other words: no matter how much planning you do, there’s always room for error.

And that’s a scary thought for most people, especially when it comes to your health. Even though we might not be able to prevent accidents from happening, especially as we age, there are ways we can minimize the damage from those accidents. Medical alert systems are a great way to be prepared for a medical emergency, as well as providing additional layers of home safety for elderly parents in other types of emergencies.

Not sure if your parents are ready for their own medical alert systems? Here are some of the reasons why they are:

They Are Experiencing Falls

Falls happen throughout life, but there is a higher probability of experiencing a fall as you age. One-third of people over the age of 65 experience a fall each year, and the Centers for Disease Control reported that falls resulted in 2.8 million visits to the ER in 2014. You can’t completely prevent falls from happening, but medical alerts for seniors guarantee that they will have access to immediate help, minimize recovery time after the fact, and reduce the likelihood of chronic issues as a result.

Their Neighbors Were Robbed

Most people associate medical alert systems with medical issues or falls, but medical alert systems can also be an excellent way to encourage home safety for elderly parents living alone. Believe it or not, using a medical alert device as a direct line to safety should intruders enter your home is a very effective security system. In fact, a Medical Guardian client once used his medical alert device to call for the police when armed robbers burst into his home.

They Have Had One or More Strokes

Once someone has experienced a stroke, the likelihood of them experiencing another stroke soon after increases. In fact, the National Stroke Association reports that the risk for having another stroke increases by 40% within the first 5 years of the first stroke. While your risk can be lowered through lifestyle and diet changes, having a medical alert device on hand can provide immediate help should another stroke occur.

They Have Had A Heart Attack Or Have Heart Disease

The CDC reports that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. They also estimate that someone in the U.S. has a heart attack every 42 seconds, which means that if your loved one has received a diagnosis of heart disease from their physician, they could be at a very serious risk of having a heart attack. Medical alert systems, especially those that come with automatic fall detection, can help provide more peace of mind in case of an emergency.

They Were Diagnosed With Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis or Epilepsy

Parkinson’s Disease is a disorder that affects the nervous system and affects movement; Multiple Sclerosis is a disease marked by the degeneration of the brain and spinal cord, which often also affects movement; and Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that leads to convulsions and unconsciousness. All of these diseases include increased falls and loss of balance as symptoms, making medical alert systems a great safeguard against falling without having access to help.

They Have Diabetes

Medical alerts for elderly parents can also improve home safety if they have been diagnosed with diabetes. A quarter of people living with type 2 diabetes are over the age of 65, and many of them can experience poor balance and increased falls as a result. In order to ensure home safety for elderly parents living with type 2 diabetes, medical alert systems provide round the clock monitoring to make sure they have access to help, day or night.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

KEYWORDS: medical alert systems, medical alerts for senior citizens, home safety for elderly

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