Great Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

  • May 2, 2016
Great Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

The month of May certainly brings along a lot of excitement. With the spring season underway and summer right around the corner, we always especially look forward to one special day in May— Mother’s Day! As this holiday is the perfect time to reflect on everything mothers do for their children, it can often be difficult to find the perfect gift that will show just how much you appreciate her.

Searching for gift ideas that will make mom feel special this Mother’s Day? Check out some great gift ideas for Mother’s Day below:

A Digital Photo Frame

What mother doesn’t enjoy walking down memory lane? More likely than not, your mom has drawers and albums filled with beloved baby, graduation and family reunion photos. A digital photo frame will allow her to view photos she may not always see if they are tucked away in a drawer or album. An inexpensive alternative is to make her a photo bouquet by cutting flower shapes out of construction paper and pasting photos on each flower. Not only do these make great gifts, but these are great ways to cut down on the clutter that may be filling your loved one’s home, as clutter increases your risk of falling.

A Day of Pampering

Although rewarding, being a mom is hard work! Treat your mom to a day at the spa or with a mini-shopping spree – anything that will help her relax and enjoy her special day. If your mom suffers from night sweats or hot flashes, another great idea is a cooling pillow. The best part is that there are multiple options at different price ranges, and some brands even provide sizing options.

Social Media Lessons

Remaining socially active is important for everyone, especially as we age, to reduce depression and feeling lonely and isolated. That’s why social media has become increasingly popular among seniors as it allows them to reconnect with family and old friends. Facebook is a great option as it’s one of the easiest social media platforms understand and adapt to your lifestyle. This is an especially creative way for your grandkids to spend quality time with your loved one, which is one of the best gifts you can give this Mother’s Day.

Just make sure your loved one knows how to protect herself from senior scams, many of which can be found online.

A Medical Alert System

We’re sure many of us would like to spend much of the day with our loved ones, but the truth is that we simply can’t always be there for them. If you or your loved one is worried about getting help in the event of an emergency, a medical alert system may be the perfect gift!

Not sure which medical alert device is right for your loved one? Just click on the banner below to take our free two-minute Risk Assessment, which will match your risk level with the best Medical Guardian product for your lifestyle.

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A final note: we love celebrating Mother’s Day, but letting your mother know how much you appreciate everything she has done for you is something that shouldn’t just happen one day a year — each day with your mother is a gift, and it’s a gift that should certainly be treasured daily.

We wish everyone a very Happy Mother’s Day from our family to yours!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

KEYWORDS: gift ideas for Mother's Day, Mother's Day, medical guardian, medical alert system, mother's day gifts

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