Celebrating Grandparents Day with your Loved Ones

  • September 7, 2016
Celebrating Grandparents Day with your Loved Ones

“As we seek to strengthen the enduring values of the family, it is appropriate that we honor our grandparents.” - President Jimmy Carter, Proclamation 4679

With more than 70 million grandparents in the nation according to the Pew Research Center, we certainly have plenty of reasons to observe Grandparents Day. Celebrated on the Sunday after Labor Day, Grandparents Day serves as a reminder for families to come together and honor their loved ones. But do you know how you can celebrate?

If you’re looking for creative and unique ways to spend time with your grandparents, look no further -- we’ve found some Grandparents Day activities that are perfect for your family to enjoy together on this special day.

Grandparents Day Activities for the Whole Family

Not only does celebrating Grandparents Day give you the opportunity to remind your loved ones that they are respected and loved, but it also gives your loved ones the one gift that they truly want: time with their family. In a recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, over 50 percent of those ages 65 and older said that spending more time with family and grandchildren was the best part about growing old.

Let the older adults in your life know just how much they mean to you with these Grandparents Day activities that will bring your entire family closer together:

Cook a family-favorite recipe together.

We’ve all heard that cooking brings families together, which is why it’s a perfect activity for any holiday. If your family has a beloved recipe that has been passed on for several generations, keep the tradition going by having the grandparents teach the recipe to their grandchildren. If your family doesn’t have a go-to recipe, it’s never too late to find one! Simply research recipes that can become your new family-favorite meal.

Be sure to involve the grandchildren in the kitchen, too -- children love pouring, mixing and stirring ingredients. Not only is this a great way for everyone to spend time with each other on Grandparents Day, but it’s also a great way for the grandchildren to learn some essential cooking skills.

Make it all about the grandparents and grandchildren.

The bond between grandparents and their grandchildren is truly special. In order for this relationship to flourish, however, you as a parent need to encourage it. The best way to do so is by letting Grandparents Day be a day solely for your children and their grandparents. Let them enjoy a day in the park or a trip to the zoo together -- anything that will create lasting memories for both your children and your parents.

Another fun and simple idea is to organize a sleepover so they can spend even more time together. Make it as easy for your parents as possible by having pizza delivered, picking out a movie they can all watch and by bringing over some breakfast food for them to enjoy in the morning.

Enjoy a favorite hobby… or learn something new.

Grandparents should take the opportunity to show their loved ones some of their hobbies. Whether it’s reading, arts and crafts, gardening, golfing, fishing or finishing a puzzle, enjoying a grandparent’s favorite hobby will give your family insight into their lives. Plus, if a grandchild sees a grandparent having fun, they’re sure to do the same!

Another option is for everyone in the family to learn something new. It could be something as simple as learning a magic trick or as elaborate as building a birdhouse. No matter what it is, your family will enjoy learning something new together, and most importantly, grandchildren will always remember who they learned it with.

Ask a lot of questions.

What grandparent doesn’t love walking down memory lane, and what child doesn’t love listening to stories? Have your children come up with a list of questions to ask their grandparents. Encourage them to ask about anything, from where they went to school to what career they chose and why. Grandparents enjoy telling stories, and it’s the perfect way for them to share some of the wisdom they have gained over their lifetime.

Create a family heirloom.

When celebrating Grandparents Day, what could be better than creating a family heirloom to be passed on for many years to come? Make a memory box filled with beloved mementos, like photos, certificates, jewelry, letters or anything else that signifies a special memory.

Chances are your family has tons of photos that could use some organizing, and creating a scrapbook is a fun way to reminisce on forgotten memories. Keep the grandchildren involved by explaining the story behind the photo and by having them decorate the scrapbook.

While collecting photos, it’s also a good idea to record your family history in a book outlining your genealogy and important dates. Creating these kinds of family heirlooms are just another way for grandparents to pass on stories and lessons to their grandchildren.

Honoring our Grandparents, Every Day

Grandparents have played special roles in many of our lives. As children we never think about the needs of our grandparents, but as we grow into adults and care for our own aging parents, it can take on a whole new meaning.

Medical Guardian understands the importance of caring for your loved ones and can help you do so with one of our medical alert devices. We know that family is the most important thing, which is why we treat your loved ones as we would our own family members while providing reliable protection every day of the year.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

KEYWORDS: celebrating Grandparents Day

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