Caregivers Are Still Mostly Women

  • June 20, 2014
Caregivers Are Still Mostly Women

Who will be the member of your family to make the tough decisions for a loved parent? A recent article from First for You indicates that in most circumstances, daughters are the primary decision makers. Research shows that daughters make around sixty percent of decisions when it comes to the caregiving process for their parents.

Often times, when a parent is hospitalized only seven percent have a living will. In these situations, daughters usually step in to make decisions. However, hospitals systems are currently designed for “patients who can make their own decisions” said Dr. Alexia Torke. Although this is the current system followed in hospitals, it is not the most convenient. Studies have shown that almost fifty percent of patients required an outside source, such as a child, to make these crucial decisions for them. Torke states that this is not always the best resource as children are not with their parents all day when doctors are speaking to the actual patient.

How to Prepare

It is never easy when you are faced with the difficult decisions of a loved one, but there are ways to make it easier. The major problem for many health care providers is the thin line of responsibility when dealing with patient privacy. Instead of being known as a “visitor” to your parent in the hospital, because an internal source and part of the decision making process. Allow yourself to be aware of the daily conversations with the Doctor so that you can make the appropriate decisions when necessary.

Dr. Alexia Torke recommends opening up the communication lines and speaking one on one with your elderly parent. The most important factor in health care is selecting the decision makers early on. It is important to find out who they want to care for them and make decisions for them in crucial situations. It may be a difficult conversation to have with your loved one, but they will thank you for being prepared in the future.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

KEYWORDS: caregivers women

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